• 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2021


  • Key difference is that Bitcoin people want/need their numbers to go up,up,up as a measure of success.

    Here, we are hoping to cultivate a healthy community (at either/both the instance and fediverse level). From my experience on various subreddits, focusing on growth is not a good way to do this.

    Communities are defined more by who is not allowed in than by who is in the community. Lemmy phase 2 kicked off back in June, and it still needs some time to find its footing at a sustainable rate of growth.

  • I see, I’m gonna make a low-ish effort post, but I’m happy to discuss further if you’d like:

    • Colonization still happens, but I think it matters that it happened in the past too. I would say that one of the most prominent recent examples would be the American invasion of Iraq. There are many political and economic aspects to the invasion, but one cultural angle is that it was widely supported by religious conservatives due to their opposition to Islam. American leadership was ghoulish in their own way, and to incompetent to actually colonize the country, but many of the literal footsoldiers joined the military to “get back at them for what they did to us”, although as we know, none of the 9-11 terrorists were Iraqi.
    • Another example that springs to mind is the ongoing homophobic and transphobic hate crimes. One specific example would be the Pulse nightclub mass shooting. I would suggest that most American Christians don’t support death for being gay, just the same as most American/Western Muslims don’t support death for burning the Quran, but in other countries where religion overlaps more with politics, both of these can be considered serious criminial offenses.

    I only mean to suggest that both religions have a bit of bloodthirst in them, which doesn’t apply to everyone, but is certainly comparable. We can go deeper into the details, I just felt like you were giving Christians a bit of a pass that they don’t deserve.

  • Because most Christians don’t feel so entitled to expect others to live by their rules, and threaten them with death when they don’t.

    Ok come on, my friend. I know a bible burning won’t get you the death penalty, but many many many people have been killed and imprisoned for not living to Christian values, especially in the United States. It’s “just a few crazies” or whatever, but it really isn’t since these actions happen in an environment of indirect public support.

  • Like I mentioned in my other comment, I think that both leaders can and should be criticized independently, a comparison between the two is not useful.

    Neither leader is socialist, so in my opinion, neither truly has the best interest of their country’s working class at heart. There could be some observation and speculation about how the possible outcomes of the conflict could promote socialist aims, but that is still independent of both guy themselves.

  • I’m not exactly with the other guy, but it’s extremely important to realize that ALL sources are biased. The Washington post and the New York Times both function as propaganda. They often serve as the mouthpiece of the United States Department of State or Defense, and are happy to cultivate public support for military conflicts that are in the interest of the American ruling class.

    This is well documented in the book Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky. You can also listen to the podcast Citations Needed to gain a better understanding about how this works in the modern day.

    An example you may be readily familiar with is the Iraq War, in which US government officials repeatedly lied to the public and started a meaningless war, without any real journalistic pushback. This lead to an atrocity affecting millions.

  • That’s one way to spin losing access to the two largest, richest markets in the world.

    If those markets demostrate such a level of hostility compared to China, is it worth it?

    It did not end up well for them the last time the iron curtains were drawn

    I don’t think there is a clean comparison here since the historical context is significantly different. The PRC is much more developed and stable than the USSR or 50s era PRC was. History also would have turned out much differently if the USSR and PRC didn’t split in the 60s. In my opinion that was what really put them on the path to their economic troubles in the 80s, obviously the Iron Curtain was probably the larger factor overall, but that is to be expected in the political climate of the time.

    I’m not sure being dependent on China is good for Russia either They’re basically now just the mining and resource supplier with no competition to up whatever price China wants to pay them.

    For the moment they are dependent on China, but China has a vested interest in fostering that relationship rather than exploiting it, I would say. They are much stronger together than divided, and they surely can both recognize this from recent history.