I had some performance problems. Suddenly, steam deck lost about 60% of its performance in games. My troubleshooting didn’t help. After that, I contacted steam support. We were talking for about a week, but nothing helped, so they agreed to send me a replacement.

I have to say… The fresh vent smells even better than I remember.

  • CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Yeah, that looks like the same issue mine had. I read that it was an APU firmware/BIOS bug. Hopefully the newer units have patched firmware to fix this. In my case it started happening after I let the battery completely die and didn’t charge it up for a month, so I’ve been more careful about keeping mine charged up now.

    • crisinho@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      I actually had that problem a couple of days ago and was able to fix it myself by using the steam OS “main” channel instead of stable. The main channel is probably close to alpha. After that I could go back and it stayed fixed. So it seems that the new software indeed solved this problem.