This is the Maker Directory. If you are a maker, please provide some means to contact you. Due to the public nature of the internet, we recommend against personal phone numbers or addresses.

Suggested Contact Methods:

  • Secure/Anonymous Email
  • Fediverse Direct Message (any DM sent through this platform)
  • Discord Username
  • Anonymous Chat (Telegram, etc)
  • Business/Alternate Phone Number (not your primary one)
  • Business/Org location + Hours (An org that allows you to distribute materials there, or your own business)

By posting your information here, is not responsible for any consequences deriving from the act of posting potentially publicly identifying information on the web. Please take care in choosing your contact method.

All makers posting here should be able to respond within 24 hours of outreach. Frequent complaints of non-response may result in your post being deleted.

In lieu of posting here, you may DM perspective Cornerstones asking for materials in this community. This is likely the safest course of action for our more vulnerable makers.

Cornerstones - Please inform us of any non-responsive or sketchy situations or issues with makers immediately to [email protected].