Are there FOSS alternatives to Roll20?
I did a little googling and spotted Foundry Virtual Tabletop, but I haven’t been able to explore many alternatives yet. Which ones are good?
Are there FOSS alternatives to Roll20?
I did a little googling and spotted Foundry Virtual Tabletop, but I haven’t been able to explore many alternatives yet. Which ones are good?
Foundry is outstanding. My groups moved to it after being frustrated with Fantasy Grounds and Roll20. Only parts of it are open-source, but I don’t mind in this case. It can be self-hosted, only one copy is needed, the price is reasonable, and the money goes to a small team of independent developers rather than a big corp.
(My one notable criticism of Foundry is that their official support community is on Discord, which I won’t use. This hasn’t kept me from using the software, though. There are plenty of other users out there, so it’s pretty easy to find information when I need it.)
We use Mumble for voice chat. Open-source, lightweight, cross-platform, low latency, good noise filtering (RNNoise), great sound quality. You can self-host, or pay for a super-cheap hosted server.
For the sake of completeness, here’s a VTT Wiki:
A few random virtual tabletops that I bookmarked during peak pandemic:
I can vouch for Foundry VTT being really nice to use, overall.
It’s not free though, so I’m not sure it falls under the FOSS label.
Parts of it are MIT-licensed, and therefore qualify as FOSS. (The “free” in FOSS is not about price.) Example:
Oh I did think the F in FOSS was about the price. Good to know!
Don’t forget owlbear rodeo.
I remember Owlbear Rodeo being mentioned from time to time a few years ago, but I didn’t keep track of it. Wasn’t it originally free? Did it go commercial?
Thank you. This was very thorough, and very helpful.