I think this is the best place to post this, but I was going through my saved posts before deleting my Reddit account and thought that a lot of writers on Lemmy/Fediverse might be able to enjoy this one.

There’s some great tips in these comments but this archive snapshot will make sure that information isn’t lost.

Feel free to add your own tips here in the Fediverse as well!

  • Zagaroth@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Heh, I feel a little qualified to provide some thoughts here. I have ADHD, and technically just barely kind of qualify as ‘pro’ (three whole Patreon patrons!), but I do have over 200k words published with almost 900 followers, so there is that. And this is what has worked for me, it won’t work for everyone.

    1. Figure out if you are a planner or panster. If the task of creating an outline means that you will probably never get around to writing, then you are best off being a panster.

    2. If you are a panster, you probably want character-driven stories. Sure, you can have conflict and antagonists, but your characters are going to be acting and doing interesting things based on their personalities and desires. Plot happens to help drive character development, so don’t try and make the plot anything too complicated, it’s just a tool of your real story.

    3. Write the story you want to tell. Create a few characters that you like in a setting/scenario that you find interesting. These should be people you want to get to know, and a situation at least moderately interesting to see how they cope with. High-stakes drama is not required (and may not be desirable).

    4. Let yourself daydream about the story when doing the things that make your mind wander anyway, such as washing dishes or other chores. And if you daydream to go to sleep, do it then too. Keeps ideas churning about future developments.

    5. Figure out how much (or how little) extra stimulation you need. This may vary. I often but not always enjoy having a music selection playing (Heavy on the Final Fantasy OSTs), and I have a civ game running that I can take breaks with for a turn of play and then back to writing (it’s not hard to set up a modded game where it takes an hour to process a turn once you have enough cities)

    6. Have more than one story to tell in the same world. This way every bit of world-building you do for any story helps all of them, and you can switch to writing a different story when your brain fizzes out on the primary story.

    I’ll add more thoughts later as they come to me.