I mean fair enough, i use this version of Spotify and don’t pay them a single cent: https://bestforandroid.com/apk/spotify-premium-mod-apk/
But if I was a paying customer i would be pretty pissed opening Spotify the first time on my 3 week travels and seeing this crap :-O Funnily there isn’t even an option to change the location as suggested. Neither in the modded app nor on spotify.com on FF mobile.
Spotify has radically changed it’s official clients to be full of suggestions, ads, and pointless info I don’t care about. Add in all the service restrictions, and it’s just a crappy service and user-experience. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
True, thats why I use modded apps. I’ve also tried spotify downloaders but none of them have over 90% succes rate, o until then its modded apps for me.
Did you try zotify?
I haven’t. I’ll check it out.
Do you get ads is you pay for it?
Also: there’s unofficial clients? Does it use it’s algorithms or library?
Not interrupting ads like in the free version. They sure do like to push ‘suggestions’ when you open the app though