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Wave of online scepticism about two stories of survival and success in China point to deeper public dissatisfaction.

The lengths that some are willing to go to stifle bad news in China drew ridicule online last year when a student at a college in Nanchang discovered a rat’s head in his cafeteria rice meal, which canteen staff, the school and a local food supervision bureau all claimed was duck meat.

The catering company then threatened legal actions against anyone “spreading rumours” about their food, while students were told by school staff not to discuss the rodent’s head in the rice.

“When those in power even try to cover up a rat head, it is difficult to trust anything you hear or see in the media,” Li from Suzhou said.

Peng from Shenzhen concurred.

“There are so many problems in China right now with the economy, with corruption, and with many other things,” she said.

“You can’t hide it all behind some positive stories,” she added.

  • See, the trick we’ve found is to raise the water temperature slowly, so the frog doesn’t notice. Then, when agitators start to become a noticable problem, you can back off a little. You can get pretty far with scare tactics (“terrorism” is a good one which can be applied to almost any enemy of The State!), although the absolute best thing is to foment class warefare: the traditional, tried-and-true way is to convince the middle class that their problems are caused by the poor, but a better way is to get the middle class to fight with themselves! Keep most of the poor almost starving – we don’t want another French Revolution! - and they’ll be too busy just getting enough to really revolt. Media helps a lot here, too; bread and circuses, indeed!

    With some minor hiccups (pwew, the 60s and early 70s had us sweating, I can tell you) it’s been mostly smooth sailing. Social media has been a godsend, I can tell you - it really put some gas in the old “circuses” dial - but the real breakthrough has been convincing everyone that they have some sort of mental health issue that requires pharmaceuticals. The entire country is taking something, and that’s been a huge help in keeping people docile.

    No, we’re pretty sure we’ve figured out how to prevent open rebellion; we have all the tools and methodology, so you won’t see any rock-bashing anymore.

      8 months ago

      Its funny but every authoritarian regime kind of thinks the same thing not long before rough music starts.