Looking to maybe self host my own instance, I’m still learning about the fediverse. If a different instance that I federate with hosts something illegal are there risks to me? Is anything from other instances hosted on my server like a copy of it? Or would I only end up hosting things my users post? I’m paranoid and sorry if this is a silly question.

  • techie@techy.news
    1 year ago

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote a pretty good blog post on the legality of the Fediverse, around the time Mastodon was getting popular. It probably applies to Lemmy too. It’s worth a read to familiarize yourself of what kind of legal things you’ll be getting yourself into. You’re on the right track; you can control you and your friends’ content, but you can’t control remote content that gets pushed to your server and that’s the part to worry the most.


    One thing that stood out is to register yourself as a DMCA agent. It costs $6 or something. Having an agent on record gives instance admins certain protection.

  • frozen@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
    1 year ago

    Text is copied to your instance’s database, but any images are hosted on the other instances and simply linked to. Worst case scenario, you get told to delete something that’s illegal in the country in which you host the instance, you comply, and everything’s peachy.

    Edit: That being said, I’m currently hosting an instance for myself and a few friends, and it’s been smooth-sailing. Just make sure to require email verification or admin approval for new sign-ups (or disable them entirely) if you don’t want to be overrun with bots.

    • pe1uca@lemmy.pe1uca.dev
      1 year ago

      I’m running it in the smallest VPS of vultr with 25GB of disk.
      This instance only has 3 users, with me being the only active. It says it’s been up for almost a month and I’ve only used 3GB.

      Here are the docker volumes which have the actual data of your instance, and from inside the DB the biggest table is the one called activity which the devs said it’s only sometimes used to validate the data, but could be truncated if needed (there’s a schedule task which only keeps up to 6 months).
      Also the thing to have in mind is to properly configure the logs of whichever installation guide you follow.
      After that I’ve seen other admins say the next biggest is the media uploaded (from bigger instances).

      $ du -h --max-depth=1
      640K    ./pictrs
      3.2G    ./postgres
      3.2G    .
      lemmy=# select
      from information_schema.tables
      where table_schema = 'public'
      order by 3 desc;
               table_name         | pg_size_pretty | pg_relation_size
       activity                   | 2187 MB        |       2292867072
       comment                    | 56 MB          |         58212352
       person                     | 48 MB          |         50307072
       comment_like               | 45 MB          |         47161344
       post_like                  | 22 MB          |         22781952
       comment_aggregates         | 14 MB          |         14811136
       post                       | 13 MB          |         13623296