I bike to work most days and it can be nice. I bike through a little wooded area. It would be a whole lot nicer if it wasn’t for all the cars. I used to bike through a park to work with fewer cars and it was actually just pleasant (even though it ended at work).
I think the two big problems here are cars and work.
I bike to work most days and it can be nice. I bike through a little wooded area. It would be a whole lot nicer if it wasn’t for all the cars. I used to bike through a park to work with fewer cars and it was actually just pleasant (even though it ended at work).
I think the two big problems here are cars and work.
Where do you live? Is it somewhere with below zero temperatures and snow during long parts of the year?
I’m pretty sure commuting by bike wouldn’t be any more enjoyable here.
I live in the Netherlands, but the Fins would like to have a word with you.
Yeah, because the experience trying to bike to work through snow and cold is the same between Finland and the United States.
I’m sure the Fins are able to manage it but I’m guess there infrastructure is far superior to support it.
Yeah, that’s why the US is collapsing.