One of my absolute favourite characters in any game, ever. Quantum Break is really slept on, and has one of the most interesting takes on time travel that I’ve ever seen.

Portrayed by the fantastic Courtney Hope, who returns as Jesse in Remedy’s following title, Control. A good move, as even in Quantum Break she has twice the main character energy of Jack Joyce.


Beth’s story is heartrendingly tragic. Her entire life revolves around a time loop, which begins when she meets her future self as a child. Her adult self tells her she will grow up to save the world, to stop a cataclysmic accident that would tear reality itself apart. She receives a notebook full of details about the future, where she needs to be, when, and what she needs to do. It all lines up. She dedicates herself to this task, entirely.

But she fails. The world is not saved. Her loop comes full circle, when she still has to go back in time to meet her younger self. To set herself onto that path which leads nowhere.

It utterly breaks her. Her life, her dedication, her years of work, are all utterly meaningless, and she has to live with knowing that for sure.