
This is the current Lemmy equivalent of https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/.

The content and rules are the same here as they are over there. Taken directly from the /r/ProgrammingLanguages overview:

This community is dedicated to the theory, design and implementation of programming languages.

This isn’t the right place to ask questions such as “What language should I use for X”, “what language should I learn”, and “what’s your favorite language”. Such questions should be posted in /c/learn_programming or /c/programming.

This is the right place for posts like the following:

  • “Check out this new language I’ve been working on!”
  • “Here’s a blog post on how I implemented static type checking into this compiler”
  • “I want to write a compiler, where do I start?”
  • “How does the Java compiler work? How does it handle forward declarations/imports/targeting multiple platforms/<other tricky feature>?”
  • “How should I test my compiler? How are other compilers and interpreters like gcc, Java, and python tested?”
  • “What are the pros/cons of <language feature>?”
  • “Compare and contrast <language feature> vs. <other feature>”
  • “Confused about the semantics of this language”
  • “Proceedings from PLDI / OOPSLA / ICFP / <other large programming conference>”
  • See /r/ProgrammingLanguages for specific examples

Be nice to each other. Flame wars and rants are not welcomed. Please also put some effort into your post.

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