
  1. Read the article on account deletion.
  2. Submit a support ticket.
  3. Get response: pLeASE Be awaRE cRuNChyRoll CustoMEr SUPPorT no lONGEr diReCTLY handleS CUstOmEr Data reQUests FoR gDpR, CCPa, aNd lgPd.
  4. Remind yourself that your ticket wasn’t entirely useless. They gave you links to multiple forms to delete your account depending on the jurisdiction.
  5. Navigate to “CCPA Request Form” if you live in California. “All Other Requests” if you live outside of California.
  6. Select the appropriate form based on whether you live in the “European Union and the United Kingdom,” “Brazil,” or “United States, non-California” region. If you live outside of these regions, send an email to the listed email address. I go with the “European Union and the United Kingdom” region.
  7. Indicate that you are a customer.
  8. Specify that you want to make a data erasure request.
  9. Click on “Crunchyroll, Crunchyroll Games” among the options, disregarding the other unrelated services.
  10. Provide your first and last name, email address, and country of residence.
  11. Confirm that you own the email address.
  12. If you receive an email stating they couldn’t find your Crunchyroll Games account, respond that you don’t possess a Crunchyroll Games account.
  13. Sign an account deletion contract with the blood of your newborn.
  14. Support may delete your account, they didn’t delete my account yet.


Account? What is account? Can you eat account? Is account an instrument?

  • meseek
    11 months ago

    The entire “pOePle wIlL CAncEl if itS Ez tho” mentality is the same as “if you don’t keep people in the office at their desk and monitor them, they won’t get work done.”

    All it did was force others to adopt the same practice and now no one can’t get out of anything smoothly. Maybe 1 out of 10 as a delete button. And even then, that’s just account deletion on the front end. Nothing about all the data they have stored.

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