I’ve just had this idea. Why don’t we create a bot that scans comments and replies to them with boardgamegeek links for every game found in the comment?
To simplify the implementation I would be favourable to introduce some sort of syntax to make unambiguous whether or not some words are a game name or not.
What do you think about this idea?
Looking alright for an MVP. Now just need to prevent duplicate comments, add a bot disclaimer, do a little code cleanup, and remember the password to my server.
Honestly, I’m most concerned about that last item…
Edit: one more test [[Robo Rally]] [[Arkham Horror]]
The test didn’t with the second time? Does it still work? Or for that other guy who tried it with Concordia?
I’ll try a test of my own.
[[Spirit Island]]
It’s code complete, but hasn’t been deployed anywhere. I straight up don’t remember my password to my server, so need to find time to rebuild the server before it’ll work.
You were right to be worried about that after all 😂