mod Removed Comment > I’ve always considered myself an open book but I shared deeply personal things with this person. The connection was instant and nigh tangible. Here is your reason. She saw you were needy, and women these days do not like needy males. Women like mysteriousness and a lot of interrogation games. I want to add that it can also be her having multiple boys, and you were one of them simply allotted one evening. I might get hate for this, but some of the “conservatives” have good advice that you can absorb to adjust your masculinity for social settings. The dating game is not very innocent and casual these days, which is why I stay away from it until it pans out just enough. by @[email protected] reason: misogyny mod Banned @[email protected] reason: weird mysoginistic rants. Please take this time to educate yourself expires: 2d ago mod

Removed Comment The problem is you simply cannot know this type of freeloading. Male has to trust the female as per social unspoken code, and give her leverage unless the female makes mistakes during chats/calls and the male manages to pick up on those red flags. You have to learn the social game really deep to be able to adjust/filter wheat from the chaff, which most people neither know, nor have interest. (Everybody now has enough time for this research considering how privileged lives we live as a society.) OP is not needy, but the female might see him as one. The social code is different, and even wildly so depending on different males/females. by @[email protected]

reason: weird mysoginistic rant mod

Removed Comment Interesting dynamics you got there. The reason I mentioned gender roles at home and outdoors is precisely because I know testimonies like yours exist, besides the simpler trad dom-sub indoors/outdoors flipping as well. Everything is not measured using one stick, as they say. I have not been very competent socially (INTJ-A and computer nerd) but improved on it by throwing myself into situations during my college days, and by filtering through bad advice. Never turned into an incel but still have a low tolerance for social BS. I am a monogamist trad. Our society is currently incredibly turbulent because of many reasons. Toxic Western feminism is just one. There is a walling off from both big genders as far as discussion goes, and a lot of reality/facts denial. Edit: there we go, I used the F word and instant downvote hammering... by @[email protected]

reason: weird mysoginistic rant mod

Removed Comment Dominating women do not make good wives, traditionally speaking. Reversal of gender roles is very polarising and has undocumented effects in the long term. Two dominating entities cannot exist in a relationship, so one has to submit at home (does not matter outdoors). And socially speaking, women usually cannot duke it out the way men can rationally outdoors (job/physically protecting). I could probably get hate for my traditional views on these matters, but I prefer being a realist. Reality in such cases can be tweaked at most, but not changed. by @[email protected]

reason: weird mysoginistic rant