We should finally eat the disgusting rich.
And you’ll be paid in such lovely scrip, too. Just don’t try using it somewhere else.
Hence, crypto.
So they basically want to bring back the company towns from the gilded age, but more dystopian thanks to the possibilities of modern technology. Characteristics of company towns often were: “controlling and/or exploitative”.
Control: If your employer does something unethical, will you dare go against it, if it means that not only will you lose your job, but you and your family will be also be kicked out of your house, school, town, … Very few would.
Exploitative: where can the company town residents shop and find services? In the company shops of course. This constrained supply also leads to subpar service for high prices. And if company sales are down, the company will spend less on wages, but keep the company shop prices the same since the shoppers have no alternative anyhow.
Add in modern technology, and some of those towns will be like Brave New World, while others will evolve into 1984. Dystopian.
Why are billionaires such free loaders? Build your own shit with your own money!
That’s silly, if they do that they’d have less money. While if they do it with your money, you’re the one with less money.
They tried a couple times but people just don’t really want to move to the middle of the ocean of a jungle compound in South America
It’s odd how some people get wealthy and then want to start their own utopian fifedom. Rich guys were attempting this throughout the 19th century too.
Soon they’ll start building freedom camps around these cities and will fill them up with the millions of incarcerated Americans so they can work towards freedom. As Germans have put it before, work makes you free.
Slave Plantations?
Freedom Cities, even the name is a lie.
Cities where they’d be free to do whatever they like? I see no lie. You’ve just been sold the idea that freedom was free. Turns out in the US it isn’t.
It’s been opposite day for a while now…
Hey guys, have you heard this new punk band? They got this weird lead singer called Johnny Silverhand…
I just wish they would be honest with their naming schemes. Stop with the “freedom this” and “freedom that” nonsense. They don’t give a good goddam about freedom and we all know it. They are just trying to build “company towns” with touchscreens. We’ve already been down this road. You can slap all the lipstick you want on it, but it’s still a fucking pig.
Its spelled Freedumb now.
Are they anything like red states? If so, they are here to suck at the teet of bigger, better states like California that provide for them.
Fuck these welfare queens.
We already have those, ZEDEs in Honduras I think India used to have one called Lavasa & it failed😂
government officials ending every phrase with, “brought to you by carls jr” is getting more real of a likelihood all the time.
I guarantee those execs think they will be building Star Trek / Federation level society. But the comment above is right, it will be Cyberpunk just with shittier technologies driven by “the invisible hand of the market” or some other drivel.
Literally Snow Crash, each burb is a independent corpocity state
Oh they know exactly what kind of cities they want to build. The wealthy have been wanting their slaves back since 1865.
I believe the federation in Star Trek doesn’t even use money
they only allowed it on ds9 space station , when dealing with other races. in the form of latinum. also barring the marque colonies.
DS9 just threw the whole concept of a utopia out all together. With some pretty great results, so I’m OK with it.
They do, they don’t inside the federation because it’s in practice largely post scarcity. Outside of federation space they use federation credits (likely based on stores of rare hard/impossible to replicate materials) and specifically around ds9 the currency was gold pressed latinum.
Also voyager with replicator rations and Holodeck time.
elon’s already wanting to build musklandia in texas.