Yes, and with that definition it becomes a contronym. As in a contradiction. As in the word no longer peforms the function it once did. And before you say ‘bUt LaNgUaGeS sHiFt OvEr TiMe’ - the word virtuallyliterally peforms the same function as the new definition.
Who am I kidding, discussing the importance of articulation to people who never learned the definitions of the words they use has always been a losing battle. Your knowledge will always be less valuable to them than their ignorance.
in effect; in substance; very nearly; virtually:
I literally died when she walked out on stage in that costume.
Yes, and with that definition it becomes a contronym. As in a contradiction. As in the word no longer peforms the function it once did. And before you say ‘bUt LaNgUaGeS sHiFt OvEr TiMe’ - the word virtually literally peforms the same function as the new definition.
Who am I kidding, discussing the importance of articulation to people who never learned the definitions of the words they use has always been a losing battle. Your knowledge will always be less valuable to them than their ignorance.
I just gave you the definition, from the dictionary. Maybe you are the one that never learned the definitions of the words they use.
That definition doesn’t fit this example either. If it did, we’d end up with 2 iPhones.
But not metaphorically, which is what we’re seeing here, in this visual pun.
If the words meaning has changed, what’s to new word to use when we mean literally (in its original meaning)?
Literally literally