• The episode title is reference to the Harlan Ellison short story, “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”. Ellison also wrote the TOS episode, “The City on the Edge of Forever”.

     • In “Far Beyond the Stars”, the science fiction writer Herbert Rossoff (portrayed by Armin Shimmerman), wrote a story titled “I Have No Voice and I Must Shout”.

• We see a Romluan starship decloak. The vertical physical arrangement of this ship is taken from Andrew Probert’s concept art for the Romulan D’deridex-class from 1988.

     • This configuration was eventually seen in Probert’s contribution to the 2011 Starships of the Line calendar, but has not been used elsewhere.

• The torture chair the Romlan lower deckers are scrubbing down is the same as the one used on Geordi in “The Mind’s Eye”.

• On the Romulan bridge, the emblem of the Star Empire we see is the one introduced in “Star Trek: Nemesis”

• As with the previous episode, “Twovix”, when the Mysterious Threat destroys the Romulan ship, we do not see any bodies floating among the wreckage.

• Shaxs and Ransom are doing some stretching exercises wearing the same workout clothing Doctor Crusher and counselor Troi wore in “The Price”. Also, their routine involves the same stretches Crusher and Troi performed in that episode.

     • We’ve previously seen LDS background characters wearing the same workout gear aboard the USS Cerritos in “wej Duj”.

• Rutherford gives Tendi his model of the Cerritos; we saw him finish building it in “An Embarrassment of Dooplers”.

     • Among her beakers, and graduated cylinders, Tendi also has a photo of The Dog from “Much Ado About Boimler”.

• Boimler has packed:

     • The Captain Freeman Day banner he made- “First First Contact”

     • His Boimler Effect plaque - “Temporal Edict”

     • His commemorative Tom Paris plate - “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”

     • The Klingon ridges & hair prosthetic he wears while playing Bat’leths & Bi’BiHnuchs - “The Least Dangerous Game”

     • What appears to be a model of a Constellation-class starship.

     • His electric violin - “Temporal Edict”

     • An action of figure of mirror universe Jonathan Archer in a green wrap tunic - “In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II”; though no prime universe characters were present for those events, the crew of the USS Discovery became aware of them in “Despite Yourself”

• Mariner, Ransom, and ensign Gary are on a mission to retrieve some humans accidentally played in an alien menagerie. We’ve aliens add humans too their collection one way or another in:

     • “The Menagerie”

     • “The Eye of the Beholder”

     • “Displaced”

• Among the collection in Narj’s menagerie, we see:

     • A glommer - “More Tribbles, More Troubles”

     • Florkas - “Moist Vessel”

     • A Ceti eel - “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan”

     • A koala - Why is he smiling? What does he know?

     • Crabs from the planet Boimler and Mariner crashed on with AGIMUS - “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”

     • A large predator from the planet Boimler and Mariner crashed on with AGIMUS - “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”

     • The horned dog from Alfa 177 - “The Enemy Within”

     • Winged turtles from Areolus - “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”

     • Winged goat from Areolus - “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”

     • Sky snake from Areolus - “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”

     • Three headed Aldebaran serpent - “Hide and Q”

• To mitigate the red light coming off the Bussard collector, Boimler dons a visor like the ones used to protect people from exposure to a Medusan’s unshielded form, as seen in “Is There In Truth No Beauty?”

• Rutherford increases the power output of the Tucker tubes by seven picocochranes. This is the first time we’ve had a name for the Tucker tubes, though they’ve been seen in Trek going as far back as “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan”, and have shown up in TNG, VOY, and ENT.

     • The original Tucker tube prop was created for “The Incredible Hulk”, and has been seen in a wide variety television shows and films.

     • Ensign Livek added a third tube, and called them the Billups tubes.

• In addition to this mirror universe Archer doll, Boimler has one of Spock in the movie era uniform.

• Boimler has his Starfleet recruitment poster seen in “Those Old Scientists”, but Number One’s face is obscured every time it’s on screen.

• Doctor T’Ana and Shaxs engage in some holodeck fun time with a Robin Hood program. Though we haven’t seen a Robin Hood holodeck program before, Q did create a Robin Hood simulation for the senior staff of the USS Enterprise D in “Qpid”.

• On he wall of the quarters between the to holodecks is a painting of flock of birds created by Data in “Birthright, Part I”

• ”You stabbed me in the foot with a battle blade,” Ransom did that so he would be the one fighting the Gelrakian champion in “Temporal Edict”.

• “you turned into a giant head and tried to eat me,” Mariner wasn’t on board the Cerritos when Ransom was chewing on it in “Strange Energies”.

• “you tried to trick me into messing up on that space elevator.”* Mariner is referencing the events of “The Least Dangerous Game”.

• In the Jeffries tube, Boimler has set up a Data in the “First Contact” uniform doll to go with his mirror universe Archer, and Spock.

• ”Man, now I wish I hadn’t turned down all those promotions.” This answers a question I’ve had since fairly early into the series. Mariner was/is self sabotaging, Tendi was fresh out of the Academy, and Boimler was also very new and on his first assignment, but Rutherford had been part of Starfleet for some time, was well regarded by peers and senior staff, and very capable. We learn he was offered promotions for:

     • Saving the Cerritos from the Pakleds - “No Small Parts”

     • Saving the USS Rubidoux crew from the space jellyfish - “Much Ado About Boimler”

     • Removing the hull of the Cerritos to save the USS Archimedes - “First First Contact”

• Rutherford’s moving box has:

     • The model of Deep Space 9 Tendi gave him in “An Embarrassment of Dooplers”

     • A handheld tractor beam and/or forcefield projector like the one Wesley Crusher built in “The Naked Now”

  • Prouvaire@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Boimler has his Starfleet recruitment poster seen in “Those Old Scientists”, but Number One’s face is obscured every time it’s on screen.

    I’m 99% sure they were just being subtle (which I like), but 1% of me wonders if there’s something in the actors’, in this case Rebecca Romijn’s, contract that says they have to be compensated if their likeness is used, even a cartoon likeness. And if so, sometimes the budget doesn’t quite stretch far enough.

  • End0fLine@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    What a fun episode. I assume the D’deridex class Romulan ship was just rotated on its axis. I’ll have to hunt down this design you’re talking about.