Donald Trump has threatened Russia with taxes, tariffs and sanctions if a deal to end the war in Ukraine is not struck soon, as the new US president tries to increase pressure on Moscow to start negotiations with Kyiv.
Writing in a post on Truth Social on Wednesday, Trump said Russia’s economy was failing and urged Vladimir Putin to “settle now and stop this ridiculous war”.Without a deal, Trump said, “I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries.”
The statement marks Trump’s most detailed efforts yet to end the war in Ukraine. During the election campaign, he said he would end the war “in 24 hours” if elected. “Let’s get this war, which never would have started if I were President, over with! We can do it the easy way, or the hard way – and the easy way is always better,” he said.
How long till the flipflop.
“I got ukrain the best deal by pressuring russia. All they have to do is give up half the land”
Performative. He’s sided with Putin over the US every single time…
Sanctions haven’t worked for three years, and Russia has already successfully diverted its economy away from the west at this point. The Financial Post was literally just reporting how Russia’s budget revenue rose to a record high last month even after the US targeted the banking sector with a new round of sanctions aimed at disrupting foreign trade payments and curbing proceeds from exports.
All is well indeed, especially compared to western economies
Russian economy is booming, and the World Bank just reclassified Russia as a high income country
The IMF forecasts that Russian economy is set to grow faster than all the western economies
It’s absolutely hilarious how western propagandists have been predicting Russian economy collapsing for the past three years, but it’s only getting stronger. I guess there will always be rubes like you who still believe it.
Well at least things are accelerating down there, hopefully the madness will end soon enough, so the image they’re trying to project won’t hold for long.
It’ll be interesting to see how an already aging population will fare with so many of the active population dead.
Last time it happened in the West, it took imperialist pigs in the West a few notches down. Let’s hope for Russians and the neighbouring countries they bully the story will be similar with the pigs in the Kremlin this time.
Apparently you can’t even do basic math. Russian population is 140 million, and the total size of Russian army is 1.5 million, the casualties according to the only western source that provides any methodology is around 88k. If you think that’s going to have a significant impact on Russia overall then you’re delusional.
Meanwhile, absolutely hilarious you think Russian economy is some sort of a Potemkin village that’s got all the economists at the IMF and World Bank fooled. You keep on waiting there for Russian collapse, I’m sure it’ll happen right after China collapses.
I don’t expect the economy to fully collapse, no. It rarely actually happens. But standards of living deteriorate. It already started btw, the inflation being reported in the media is not something I invented.
Well, the IMF and the World Bank seem to disagree with you. Maybe you should let them know your new fangled economic theory though.
Must be nice living in that bubble of yours:
Or do you know the Russian economy better than its dictator?
Well all those tariffs and taxes everybody else allready imposed sure did a lot to impress old VoVa
Somethings don’t change regardless of who is president.
It’s cool how he can level taxes on a sovereign nation. /s