Removed Comment Did nothing wrong by sunzu2 reason: Rule against wrongful advocacy
Banned sunzu2 from the community Ask Lemmy reason: Will not tolerate blind alignment with Luigi Mangione expires: in 3 days

Alright good folk, what’s your take here.

  • Call me Lenny/
    10 hours ago

    it is ToS violation which is fine

    Wow, maybe, just maybe I’m not the one in the wrong here. Neither ethics or law care about public opinion, right and wrong are still right and wrong. Your underpinnings are freedom (without regard for the laws that go with freedoms, or the freedoms of Brian Thompson, which are wrongly called “murder”), populism, and inaccuracies about what went down that day… basically a recipe for “it’s acceptable because I want it to be”. If it was about “public sentiment”, there’s a lot more you wouldn’t see that you do, and there wouldn’t be harassment sprees in places like the DM’s to try to cope.