I really wonder what industry y’all work in that you think the entire energy grid and vehicle fleet can be remade in 4 years.
Don’t worry protest voters, we may be able to start from scratch again in another 4 years.
I see Lemmy’s famous misreading is happening. I want environmental policy. But I know things take time. People that think everything can be remade in 4 years don’t know how big industry is and how much work it takes.
Where did I say we didn’t? Holy Lemmy never lets me down in how you misread.
The problem is everyone expects the Dems to solve it in one term. Now it’s Biden’s fault that he didn’t solve it in his one term. You know, remake the entire energy grid and turn over the entire vehicle fleet in his 4 years.
No, people expect the Dems to not exponentially make problems worse, since that’s their only function based on the last 80 years of their actions. Biden failed to do that simple function, and signed off more public lands to oil companies than trump and Bush Jr combined.
And this is where I wonder what industry y’all work in. To stop oil demand going up, you would have to produce not a single new ice car, not a single new gas furnace, not a single new gas water heater, not a single new gas stove, not a single new industrial gas furnace/processer/whatever machinery. Not a single one. To do that alone is a monumental task that takes unbelievable effort and time. Too many people think it can be done like you update code or something, y’all have no idea how big industry is. That’s just to stop it going up, not to actually reduce use. But don’t worry protest voters, we can start again in 4 years. And again don’t get me wrong, I want environmental policy. I just know what it takes.
We were talking about oil production. But yes, you can lay the framework to stop all of that in four years. Because we have alternatives to all of that that are cheaper too make, cheaper to own, cheaper to run, and cheaper to maintain, save for a few specific industrial use cases and the aviation industry.
You can just update code, and switch subsidies to non fossil fuels alternatives. And stop fucking blocking Chinese imports.
We can do it. We know we can because other countries are, and are showing how ridiculously easy it is. Shockingly easy. Frustratingly easy.
But you need to want to do it, and that requires putting the environment above personal investments and greed, and no Democrat is capable of that.
Fair enough we can limit this to oil if you want (but I look at the whole issue). Limiting to oil means no new ICE cars. Not a single one! And we’re back to what freaking industry do you guys work in. For every car company to retool every single plant. New assembly lines, new machinery. New parts suppliers, entirely new supply chain. Can’t forget you have to engineer and test new cars before that. For mining to pick up to produce all the chemicals. More new manufacturing expansion to manufacture batteries. Don’t forget all the assembly lines and machinery for that. Electrical companies, new power plants and new power lines. Hey cities and states, get that planning and permits going. Construction is notoriously fast /s.
You guys seem to have no idea the difficulty in working with physical products at scale.
And more inb4 Lemmy’s famous misreading, yes we should do it. What I’m saying is it takes more planning, effort, and time than you can imagine.
Oh you make a thinly veiled personal attack. Why do I bother. Ciao.
… No, it doesn’t. Xiaomi went from zero cars produced to 500,000 cars produced in under 5 years. All EVs. All without subsidization.
We can do this way faster than you oil loving freaks(since you’re already claiming I did a personal attack) would like to admit. It’s fucking easy. There’s a real reason why Americans hate China, because it’s shown the inherent lies and propaganda tied to every single belief that corporate dogs like you espouse.
You claim to want to help the environment. Stop repeating fossil fuel company lies and propaganda then. Maybe someone would take you seriously.
I don’t want to sound like I’m being another hater, you’ve copped a lot of unwarranted downvotes and vitriol. People not willing to discuss things is part of the problem- attacks and trying to silence people through downvotes does not contribute to discussion.
If you’re willing to keep presenting your viewpoint, I’d appreciate some clarity. I urge anyone replying to your comment to engage with thought and maturity. We all learn from opinions that aren’t aligned with ours.
My main question is around your claim that we would have to stop producing any new infrastructure that relies on oil, to prevent consumption going up. I’m not sure I agree- To use a simple example, if some industrial plant uses a diesel engine, and replaces it with a diesel engine that uses less diesel to achieve the same outcome, does that not reduce the overall consumption? Of course, this is a very simple example.
if some industrial plant uses a diesel engine, and replaces it with a diesel engine that uses less diesel to achieve the same outcome, does that not reduce the overall consumption?
strictly speaking, generally, yes it would. However for the sake of the argument, including this kind of detail is.
I think we’re at pretty marginal improvements for efficiency, and it’s overshadowed by the move to SUVs anway. I think it doesn’t amount to much for this 10,000 ft view kind of discussion.
Hybrids can do it, but I’m ‘ehhh’ on the whole concept.
Let’s say there are 250 million ice cars on the street. Ice sales stop. The next day how many ice cars are on the street? 250 million. Gas consumption is the same. You then have to wait (what everyone hates in our now now now world) for ice cars to wear out and inventory to turn over to see any decline in gas.
if you’re referencing that specific graph, the graph where oil production starts fairly high, and then drops significantly due to covid, and then rose back up a little bit higher than where it was previously. Compared to the 2016-2020 period where there is a very clear and distinct rise in production? Even including the 2016 lull.
I wish this graph was a little cleaner, and didnt include 100 years worth of oil production, and also had a rate of change average over the top of it, that would really demonstrate the point i’m making.
Yes, I want them to adopt popular bipartisan policies, like m4a, green energy subsidies, food subsidies, new government housing, etc
i would like for them to adopt these as well, but i fear almost none of these are going to be “bipartisan” the political climate is just too much of a disaster for this stuff to matter right now. Also, doesn’t the IRA bill literally subsidize green energy? As well as appliance and utility upgrades for home owners.
Oh yeah we will just keep waiting and watch them do significantly less than the bare minimum until the famines begin to finally affect us. Then, we will do something about it I’m sure.
Every time they run on an environmental policy, they lose. Every time they implement an environmental policy, they lose. And you’re amazed they aren’t gun ho about it? Like they just lost despite the green energy in the IRA. And Trump won with drill baby drill. Do you think Dems will run on it next time? Fuck no they won’t. They won’t touch it with 10 foot pole. They will run on “It’s the economy, stupid.” If you want environmental policy, you need to give them consistent and overwhelming victories.
Yeah so we should dismantle our political parties. They clearly don’t care about us and are willing to let us die horrible deaths. They do not serve us, they serve their donors and we put up with it for now.
History tells me revolution is always believed to impossible until it happens and is believed have been inevitable. It is socialism or barbarism and I certainly prefer the former
yeah, too bad circle jerking is only universally understood to create echo chambers.
Perhaps if garnering support and bringing people awareness to things they are already aware about, will make them do something. I believe all existing research, doesn’t support that though. Last time i checked it really only seems to lead to misinformation being spread, which is interesting.
Gore ran on environmentalism. And bam he lost the election.
So what did Obama learn? Don’t touch it. Not one bit. And he won.
Hillary said maybe now is the time, she said she’d have a map room. She declared war on climate change. And bam she lost the election.
So what did Biden learn? Don’t touch it. Don’t say one word. And he won. But Biden did green energy anyway. And what did polls say? That he was going to lose the election.
So what did Kamala learn? There is no thanks for it. Don’t run on it. It doesn’t get anything.
And what won the election? “It’s the economy, stupid”. No one is running on environmentalism for a long time.
The best we can hope for is that Dems win without running on it, and do it anyway just like Biden did.
4 years? Climate scientists have been warning the world about climate change for about half a century, and urgently for a few decades. Bill Nye specifically has videos going back at least 13 years.
Don’t just blame the 2017-2021 Trump presidency either for the current high, if that is what you mean by your “reworking the energy grid/vehicles in 4 years” argument. US oil production was at its lowest since about 1950 under Bush Jr. then climbed again dramatically through Obama’s 2 terms. Then the Biden presidency started after a year of “low” production (that was actually higher than anything pre-2017) before climbing again steeply during the last 4 years. This is a problem of both parties, and the worst of it has happened in the last 13 years of which 9 were under a Dem president.
The chain is about Biden and his 4 years. People want the Dems to solve the whole literal problem in their term. In the case of Biden, it was 4 years. 2 years really when you consider he only had the House or Reps for 2 years.
Both parties? We all know the GOP isn’t going to do shit. They will do the exact opposite, actually. So it’s only Dems.
Past that I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. US oil production is not US oil usage. It was the fracking boom that increased production. As for dips, then there was the 2008 great recession and covid which changed everything for a few years each. Like you’re focused on wrong fry, small fry, and taking it out of context. Obama? Guess what Obama learned from Gore? That running on an environmental policy was a losing proposition. He focused on health care. His thanks for that was to lose the house for the next 6 years. Guess the left didn’t want anything for 6 years of his presidency.
Explain. Do you think the oil disappears or doesn’t affect climate because it’s not burned in the US? Why wouldn’t I hold US policymakers accountable for oil being produced under their watch, even if it is exported?
As for dips, then there was the 2008 great recession and covid which changed everything for a few years each.
Look at the chart. The decline started in the mid-80’s, and reached the bottom in 2005. By about 2001 it was the lowest since 1950. Years before the 2008 crash. You are right that the drop during Trump’s last year coincides with the onset of COVID, but it rises again as early as the summer of 2020. And continues unabated into Biden’s presidency and last year.
That running on an environmental policy was a losing proposition.
Obama was already elected into his 2nd term when oil production started climbing quicker than ever before at the end of 2012. Campaign strategy was over by then.
Nothing I’m seeing in the data suggests that Dems were meaningfully impeding/capping oil production. You may say it’s because the environment is a losing political proposition (and you may be right). But in doing so you’re just assigning a reason for the trends and timing that show dual-party responsibility.
wasn’t most of the fossil fuel increase under the obama admin an increase in natural gas? Rather than oil/coal, in order to replace, said infrastructure, as it’s cleaner.
Remember when Reagan took the solar panels off the White House? After Jimmy Carter was talking about how important the environment is? This fight has been so much longer than that. Its been over fifty years.
People, throughout all of the cool things they have done throughout history, are also the single stupidest organism to ever fucking exist and i cannot express my rage over how stupid people can be without being banned.
So, please, random lemmy users reading this, reactionary engagement is bad, use critical thinking, and don’t use quippy retorts. They don’t actually do anything.
People just want to watch the world burn, and so do i, not because i think my version of the world is better, but because it brings me enjoyment when i get to see people suffer the results of their choices. I will do nothing to stop you, and laugh all the way down. The world is in your hands my friend, choose wisely.
I really wonder what industry y’all work in that you think the entire energy grid and vehicle fleet can be remade in 4 years.
Don’t worry protest voters, we may be able to start from scratch again in another 4 years.
I see Lemmy’s famous misreading is happening. I want environmental policy. But I know things take time. People that think everything can be remade in 4 years don’t know how big industry is and how much work it takes.
Buddy. We’ve known about this problem since the 1970’s.
Where did I say we didn’t? Holy Lemmy never lets me down in how you misread.
The problem is everyone expects the Dems to solve it in one term. Now it’s Biden’s fault that he didn’t solve it in his one term. You know, remake the entire energy grid and turn over the entire vehicle fleet in his 4 years.
No, people expect the Dems to not exponentially make problems worse, since that’s their only function based on the last 80 years of their actions. Biden failed to do that simple function, and signed off more public lands to oil companies than trump and Bush Jr combined.
And this is where I wonder what industry y’all work in. To stop oil demand going up, you would have to produce not a single new ice car, not a single new gas furnace, not a single new gas water heater, not a single new gas stove, not a single new industrial gas furnace/processer/whatever machinery. Not a single one. To do that alone is a monumental task that takes unbelievable effort and time. Too many people think it can be done like you update code or something, y’all have no idea how big industry is. That’s just to stop it going up, not to actually reduce use. But don’t worry protest voters, we can start again in 4 years. And again don’t get me wrong, I want environmental policy. I just know what it takes.
We were talking about oil production. But yes, you can lay the framework to stop all of that in four years. Because we have alternatives to all of that that are cheaper too make, cheaper to own, cheaper to run, and cheaper to maintain, save for a few specific industrial use cases and the aviation industry.
You can just update code, and switch subsidies to non fossil fuels alternatives. And stop fucking blocking Chinese imports.
We can do it. We know we can because other countries are, and are showing how ridiculously easy it is. Shockingly easy. Frustratingly easy.
But you need to want to do it, and that requires putting the environment above personal investments and greed, and no Democrat is capable of that.
Stop excusing monsters, less you become one.
Fair enough we can limit this to oil if you want (but I look at the whole issue). Limiting to oil means no new ICE cars. Not a single one! And we’re back to what freaking industry do you guys work in. For every car company to retool every single plant. New assembly lines, new machinery. New parts suppliers, entirely new supply chain. Can’t forget you have to engineer and test new cars before that. For mining to pick up to produce all the chemicals. More new manufacturing expansion to manufacture batteries. Don’t forget all the assembly lines and machinery for that. Electrical companies, new power plants and new power lines. Hey cities and states, get that planning and permits going. Construction is notoriously fast /s.
You guys seem to have no idea the difficulty in working with physical products at scale.
And more inb4 Lemmy’s famous misreading, yes we should do it. What I’m saying is it takes more planning, effort, and time than you can imagine.
Oh you make a thinly veiled personal attack. Why do I bother. Ciao.
… No, it doesn’t. Xiaomi went from zero cars produced to 500,000 cars produced in under 5 years. All EVs. All without subsidization.
We can do this way faster than you oil loving freaks(since you’re already claiming I did a personal attack) would like to admit. It’s fucking easy. There’s a real reason why Americans hate China, because it’s shown the inherent lies and propaganda tied to every single belief that corporate dogs like you espouse.
You claim to want to help the environment. Stop repeating fossil fuel company lies and propaganda then. Maybe someone would take you seriously.
I don’t want to sound like I’m being another hater, you’ve copped a lot of unwarranted downvotes and vitriol. People not willing to discuss things is part of the problem- attacks and trying to silence people through downvotes does not contribute to discussion.
If you’re willing to keep presenting your viewpoint, I’d appreciate some clarity. I urge anyone replying to your comment to engage with thought and maturity. We all learn from opinions that aren’t aligned with ours.
My main question is around your claim that we would have to stop producing any new infrastructure that relies on oil, to prevent consumption going up. I’m not sure I agree- To use a simple example, if some industrial plant uses a diesel engine, and replaces it with a diesel engine that uses less diesel to achieve the same outcome, does that not reduce the overall consumption? Of course, this is a very simple example.
When the opening goes out of its way to divert the conversation into political blame slinging, the vitriol is very much warranted.
we’re blaming people for things now???
strictly speaking, generally, yes it would. However for the sake of the argument, including this kind of detail is.
Not important.
I think we’re at pretty marginal improvements for efficiency, and it’s overshadowed by the move to SUVs anway. I think it doesn’t amount to much for this 10,000 ft view kind of discussion.
Hybrids can do it, but I’m ‘ehhh’ on the whole concept.
I’m still trying to understand what you’re saying about needing to stop producing any ice cars if we are to reduce consumption.
Let’s say there are 250 million ice cars on the street. Ice sales stop. The next day how many ice cars are on the street? 250 million. Gas consumption is the same. You then have to wait (what everyone hates in our now now now world) for ice cars to wear out and inventory to turn over to see any decline in gas.
so you mean all the oil production that trump created, that biden kept relatively linear wasn’t good enough?
You want the dems to reverse everything the republicans do, and more? Good luck with a political campaign.
Misinformation isn’t allowed here, Biden raised oil production, Trump lowered it.bhttps://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M
Yes, I want them to adopt popular bipartisan policies, like m4a, green energy subsidies, food subsidies, new government housing, etc
if you’re referencing that specific graph, the graph where oil production starts fairly high, and then drops significantly due to covid, and then rose back up a little bit higher than where it was previously. Compared to the 2016-2020 period where there is a very clear and distinct rise in production? Even including the 2016 lull.
I wish this graph was a little cleaner, and didnt include 100 years worth of oil production, and also had a rate of change average over the top of it, that would really demonstrate the point i’m making.
i would like for them to adopt these as well, but i fear almost none of these are going to be “bipartisan” the political climate is just too much of a disaster for this stuff to matter right now. Also, doesn’t the IRA bill literally subsidize green energy? As well as appliance and utility upgrades for home owners.
Oh yeah we will just keep waiting and watch them do significantly less than the bare minimum until the famines begin to finally affect us. Then, we will do something about it I’m sure.
Every time they run on an environmental policy, they lose. Every time they implement an environmental policy, they lose. And you’re amazed they aren’t gun ho about it? Like they just lost despite the green energy in the IRA. And Trump won with drill baby drill. Do you think Dems will run on it next time? Fuck no they won’t. They won’t touch it with 10 foot pole. They will run on “It’s the economy, stupid.” If you want environmental policy, you need to give them consistent and overwhelming victories.
Yeah so we should dismantle our political parties. They clearly don’t care about us and are willing to let us die horrible deaths. They do not serve us, they serve their donors and we put up with it for now.
So your solution is to instead do something impossible and definitely won’t happen. Right.
History tells me revolution is always believed to impossible until it happens and is believed have been inevitable. It is socialism or barbarism and I certainly prefer the former
call me when you get inside the whitehouse grounds.
If only popular revolutions were so easy
ikr, if only saying things on the internet would manifest them into reality.
Yeah 😔
Its a good thing talking about certain subjects helps make people aware of them and garner support
yeah, too bad circle jerking is only universally understood to create echo chambers.
Perhaps if garnering support and bringing people awareness to things they are already aware about, will make them do something. I believe all existing research, doesn’t support that though. Last time i checked it really only seems to lead to misinformation being spread, which is interesting.
When has someone from the two major parties ran on environmental policy?
We can see the entire history.
Gore ran on environmentalism. And bam he lost the election.
So what did Obama learn? Don’t touch it. Not one bit. And he won.
Hillary said maybe now is the time, she said she’d have a map room. She declared war on climate change. And bam she lost the election.
So what did Biden learn? Don’t touch it. Don’t say one word. And he won. But Biden did green energy anyway. And what did polls say? That he was going to lose the election.
So what did Kamala learn? There is no thanks for it. Don’t run on it. It doesn’t get anything.
And what won the election? “It’s the economy, stupid”. No one is running on environmentalism for a long time.
The best we can hope for is that Dems win without running on it, and do it anyway just like Biden did.
4 years? Climate scientists have been warning the world about climate change for about half a century, and urgently for a few decades. Bill Nye specifically has videos going back at least 13 years.
Don’t just blame the 2017-2021 Trump presidency either for the current high, if that is what you mean by your “reworking the energy grid/vehicles in 4 years” argument. US oil production was at its lowest since about 1950 under Bush Jr. then climbed again dramatically through Obama’s 2 terms. Then the Biden presidency started after a year of “low” production (that was actually higher than anything pre-2017) before climbing again steeply during the last 4 years. This is a problem of both parties, and the worst of it has happened in the last 13 years of which 9 were under a Dem president.
I think you’ve horribly misread what I said.
The chain is about Biden and his 4 years. People want the Dems to solve the whole literal problem in their term. In the case of Biden, it was 4 years. 2 years really when you consider he only had the House or Reps for 2 years.
Both parties? We all know the GOP isn’t going to do shit. They will do the exact opposite, actually. So it’s only Dems.
Past that I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. US oil production is not US oil usage. It was the fracking boom that increased production. As for dips, then there was the 2008 great recession and covid which changed everything for a few years each. Like you’re focused on wrong fry, small fry, and taking it out of context. Obama? Guess what Obama learned from Gore? That running on an environmental policy was a losing proposition. He focused on health care. His thanks for that was to lose the house for the next 6 years. Guess the left didn’t want anything for 6 years of his presidency.
Explain. Do you think the oil disappears or doesn’t affect climate because it’s not burned in the US? Why wouldn’t I hold US policymakers accountable for oil being produced under their watch, even if it is exported?
Look at the chart. The decline started in the mid-80’s, and reached the bottom in 2005. By about 2001 it was the lowest since 1950. Years before the 2008 crash. You are right that the drop during Trump’s last year coincides with the onset of COVID, but it rises again as early as the summer of 2020. And continues unabated into Biden’s presidency and last year.
Obama was already elected into his 2nd term when oil production started climbing quicker than ever before at the end of 2012. Campaign strategy was over by then.
Nothing I’m seeing in the data suggests that Dems were meaningfully impeding/capping oil production. You may say it’s because the environment is a losing political proposition (and you may be right). But in doing so you’re just assigning a reason for the trends and timing that show dual-party responsibility.
… I’ve never been at a bigger loss for words.
You have a lot to learn.
BTW, are you trying to say US oil usage has dropped? I looked that up and it’s not what’s happening.
4-10% of oil goes to plastic. Oil storage reserves are full and significant capacity isn’t being added.
So your critic is right. Oil produced is oil burned. If not in the US than elsewhere which affects global warming just the same.
Other than that I agree with everything else you said.
Then is not than, Christ.
How about explain where the surplus non burned oil is going instead of criticizing grammar.
The OP is extraordinarily wrong and won’t explain himself.
I’m criticizing the stupid fact that apparently no one fucking knows the difference in two basic words now
wasn’t most of the fossil fuel increase under the obama admin an increase in natural gas? Rather than oil/coal, in order to replace, said infrastructure, as it’s cleaner.
May be cleaner to burn but we’re getting it by fracking which is terrible.
i mean, mining coal is also objectively terrible for the environment so…
Remember when Reagan took the solar panels off the White House? After Jimmy Carter was talking about how important the environment is? This fight has been so much longer than that. Its been over fifty years.
Sigh. People are blaming Biden because he didn’t solve it in his 4 years. “We elected him why isn’t it solved?!? Protest no vote!”
you and me both my friend, you and me both.
People, throughout all of the cool things they have done throughout history, are also the single stupidest organism to ever fucking exist and i cannot express my rage over how stupid people can be without being banned.
So, please, random lemmy users reading this, reactionary engagement is bad, use critical thinking, and don’t use quippy retorts. They don’t actually do anything.
People just want to watch the world burn, and so do i, not because i think my version of the world is better, but because it brings me enjoyment when i get to see people suffer the results of their choices. I will do nothing to stop you, and laugh all the way down. The world is in your hands my friend, choose wisely.