We are aware images aren’t loading and new images can’t be uploaded. It appears to be a bug with the latest Lemmy update as we’re not the only instance with this problem. We have filed a bug report and are looking into possible solutions and hopefully it will get fixed soon. We are also looking into better ways to communicate server issues like this. Thank you for your understanding! We are learning this alongside all of you.

EDIT: If anyone out there has an idea to the cause please feel free to shoot me a DM!

EDIT 2: We’re back in action folks! Thanks for your patience, you may feel free to set avatars now.

  • StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    Thanks for letting us know.

    I wasn’t sure if you’d blocked direct posting of photos and images for reasons, or if it was part of the larger issue that’s affecting the headers.