What did you play in the last week. Recommendations, warnings and experiences are all intersting!

  • Kempeth@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    On Tuesday my group played Die Zwerge - Big Box Scenario 2 and so far I’m not a fan. There’s no real mitigation option for bad dice rolls making combat really unsatisfying and the final three challenges were just ridiculously impossible.

    On Sunday I played Mystic Vale with my girlfriend. She had a powerful totem that gave her a free mana and a VP for every upgrade that she bought. This meant that she was quickly racking up pretty sizeable mana pools and getting a constant trickle of VPs. I on the other hand was stuck with two sun elements and a hugely expensive leader which I couldn’t upgrade until well into the second half. I focused (perhaps a bit too much) on getting a decent set of elements to buy vale cards which let me rack up a good amount of VP that way. Ultimately the game ended really tight with 64-62 VP in her favor.

    Also on Sunday my group met for DnD. We’re almost done with the Lost Mines of Phandelver - or so we though. Almost got TPK’d. A 28 damage fireball took out half of our party, a third tried to ram open a door and knocked himself out leaving only our halfling - down to 2 HP - trying to save everyone. Miraculously she remembered that the healer still carried a healing potion, used it on him who was then able to heal everyone up with a lucky dice roll on his group healing spell. In the ensuing retreat the knight managed to alert another horde of monsters to our presence.