In anticipation of this years Essen Spiel 2023, which games have you played last week? Any nice discoveries, interesting mechanisms, reviews, warnings and experiences are all welcome!

    1 year ago

    The highlight of the week for me was our two games of Tiletum. The game is all about the combos you get from bonus tiles, almost feels like a combo-tastic roll & write in that sense.

    We also played some more Taverns of Tiefenthal, Living Forest, Sea Salt & Paper.

    And finally two plays of a new new-to-us game, Carthago. Took a chance on this because of a ridiculously good sale earlier this week and it paid off, can’t wait to explore it some more. The rules are slightly weird and there is some minor fiddliness to the way the action board works but overall it’s a nice little small-ish box euro. Not too many of those out there.