Found a great widget for monitoring my raspberry pi. RaspPi Check

But I would like to have a similar app with widget for my proxmox server. Does anyone have any suggestionsor other ideas?

    5 months ago

    Just this week, I setup Homepage to monitor my server and its various docker containers at a glance, including cpu/ram/network usage and a whole bunch of information pulled from their APIs (such as how many itemes are actively downloading via sonarr+sabnzbd, or how many queries were blocked by pihole today).

    That in turn lead me too Glances, both as various widgets in Homepage as well as a stand alone tool.

    Note: Homepage doesn’t come with authentication. You’ll have to handle that yourself via a reverse proxy or vpn. Glances has an optional login page you can enable, but I haven’t explored that. I access services like these by connecting to my network through OpenVPN.