• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • 14 year old me thought of themselves as a weird freak

    I didnt struggle at school academically, and I wasnt diagnosed until I was 29, but I felt this too. I didnt know why I was different though.

    But I suppose the late diagnosis may have helped me equip myself better when I finally got it with all the new info there is on it. I still feel like (still am) a bit of a weirdo, but ive grown older and and appreciate myself more. Ive dipped my toes into trying to ‘be normal’ in my life and it hasnt really left me feeling happy.

    I did okay acedemically in school, but my 20s were extremely hard, and I experienced a lot frustration throughout - good grades doesnt equate to preparedness for adult life, not even a little. Head hitting and meltdowns became very frequent. I got fired a lot of times, it was a struggle to keep my flat.

    But I know a lot more about myself now and I mostly do I better job of life because of it.

  • Ive never dated anyone whos been diagnosed with anything, but I am certainly attracted to quirky people. The last long term relationship was a bit of a train wreck, and I suspect there was some autism there, but she was only ever diagnosed with anxiety, although her cousin, who her family said was just like her, was eventually diagnosed as autistic. We had very different levels of emotional maturity though and that caused a lot of problems, especially around conflict resolution. I suspect she had a personality disorder in tow.

    I think you should just assess each person individually and not really screen for divergence. Most people arent going to open with ‘hi im autistic’ anyway, and you could end up doing yourself a disservice worrying about if they fit with you on paper verses just finding out if you fit together organically.