If you didn’t want me to take all three of the unknown statues, don’t give me my own tiny apartment in a necklace.
And it’s not my fault the tiefling found out one was lickable. That’s on him.
He’s the one that gave us access to the explosives earlier in the game! No regerts.
Full disclosure, I absolutely love it when my players take things off the rails.
In my first ever session, my players took things off the rails HARD. When I heard what they thought my rails were, I realised my rails were too dumb to ever work in the first place. Thankfully, I was able to bullshit my way to a session that was more fun than what I had planned.
Now, if things go off the rails, I’m only upset at myself for having rails to begin with. I’d rather have an open road you can travel on as you please than a set of rails that takes you in a single direction. The players might decide to drive off-road, but it’s less cataclysmic than a derailing, and they’re less likely to do it if they have a destination in mind.
Come on OP, this instance is called “shit just works”, you’re allowed to type cock on the internet!
XD I know, I have no problem with it. This is an old meme I had saved on my phone, I didn’t make it.