I think you’ll find most satanists like Carl Sagan just as much or even more than Satan.
Church of Satan ones or Satanic Temple ones?
Very different answers there.
Even more variety when you get to the Luciferians.
I think we just call them furries.
Lucifer, which means the bearer of light, in Greek mythology represented by Prometheus, who stole divine fire to give it to humans. The clergy naturally did not like this symbology, always doing everything to keep the people ignorant and for this reason, they turned Lucifer into a symbol of evil, just as they turned the snake that incited humans to eat from the tree of knowledge into sin. original. The true root of evil has always been the clergy for its own power and as a tool for the powerful which with a cultured people could not exist. Only possible to stay in power with an ignorant and submissive people with feelings of guilt.
Shush… if theists could read they’d be upset!
I would care as much as a news story about a sack of rice being stolen in China.
Nah, kind of hard to considering that Prometheus was written long after Genesis and the book of Isaiah which referred to Lucifer
When did the story of Prometheus came? I assumed the Greek myths either came before, or more or less at the same time as the Torah.
All these ara adaptation from (in part even literal) from old Mesopotamian, Babylonic (Gilgamesh) and Egypth (Book of Death) Myth. The Bible (old Testament) isn’t an excepcion, the new testament are fractions of over 80 documents of which 4 were chosen at convenience, very shortened to conform to the dogma and which were published between the years 60 and the year 300 after Christ. None of these were written by the alleged authors, but by monks in those years. All the rest was either destroyed or archived as apocryphos. In other words, the Bible is no more truthful than a Harry Potter novel. Although some events in ancient myths are based on real events (eg the Great Flood), they were related by ignorant and superstitious people who sacrificed goats to have a better harvest, stories that were embellished for centuries, until the raft where a peasant saved his life. family, his chickens and goats, became an aircraft carrier with all the animals on earth.
Book of Isaiah: 740BC
Book of Genesis: 1400BC
Ironic, I’ve seen a Satanist being the guardian / guide to a furry in a full Suit at a con.
The furry wasn’t the Satanist though.
I was referring to the Luciferians
What is blasphemous about Sagan?
Edit: funny enough my autocorrect changed “Sagan” to Satan automatically the first time around
The Catholic church doesn’t like it when you look up and think about what you see
DIDN’T like it. Then they learned their lesson to not interfere with astronomers, to the point that it was an ordained Catholic priest, Georges Lemaître, who delved into the math of Relativity and came up with the concept of “the primordial atom”, later popularly coined as The Big Bang, back in the 1920s. Which put Lemaître at odds with Einstein, who insisted on an eternal, “Steady State Universe”.
In fact, I remember reading that the Vatican itself proudly owned this fact to the point that they financed, built and still run an observatory in Arizona, doing authentic cosmological research.
Not to mention it wasn’t really “the church” as much as one egotistical asshat in the church that had beef with Galileo and more or less made up a reason to persecute him. And when more level headed parts of the church told Galileo to chill and he’d be fine he just doubled down and thumbed his nose at the pope. It was never really about the science at all, he was being funded by the church to do his research in the first place.
That is another very important consideration, I’ve heard about Galileo’s pride and ego, explosive temper and big mouth. How he would not listen to reason, and would burn all bridges behind him.
The pope even considered Galileo a friend, gave him all sorts of opportunities to get out of trouble, but then Galileo wrote a Plato-style dialogue between three people, one of them a simpleton, and gave that character the same speech patterns like the ones his pope friend had.
Rational thought?
Evidence based beliefs?
What is blasphemous about Sagan?
*Gestures broadly at his entire career*
Never seen a meme with Kerry King before. 🤘
I’m not sure of that, but first time I see him without glasses.
It’s missing an erratic jumble of an epic solo tho, that’s how you know its a true Kerry King meme!
EDIT: For the unitiated, this is from an episode of South Park and the answer is Naggers - people who nag and annoy you
When sleet just doesn’t cut it anymore.