Her husband has a net worth of USD 10M. Why do rich people never seem to know when it’s time to shut up?
Because in their minds, they’re the persecuted ones. It’s like that scene in Silicon Valley where Gavin Belson claims that billionaires are the most persecuted people in history.
They’ll find a way to make that disappear, I’m sure.
Something tells me he wont be her husband for much longer. Statistically speaking relationships where the spouse has to go to jail for over a decade tend to not work out.
Like, per person, or split evenly between them?
For every instance of her using her “deep voice”
Per person of course
To be fair, the headline is misleading and the request is for $250 or 10% of her wages, whichever is greater. So it would be more than $250/mo if she is making more than $30k/yr